Thursday, September 24, 2020

Best Light Machine Guns (LMG) In Call Of Duty Mobile Season 10

While playing battle royale games like Call of Duty Mobile, the adrenaline rush of engaging your enemies head-on in close combat is more exciting than anything else. What’s even more thrilling is the empowering feeling you get after wiping off an entire squad in one barrage of bullets. But for such a feat, you need to have the best light machine guns in Call Of Duty mobile loadout.

Light Machine Guns or LMG are pretty useful and one of the most preferred guns in COD Mobile after assault rifles. There are various machine guns available in the game, and in this article, I will list down their abilities and rank them accordingly. So you can choose the best LMG in COD mobile Season 10 according to your preferences.

List Of Light Machine Guns In Call Of Duty Mobile Season 10

S. No. Light Machine Guns Damage Accuracy Fire Rate Range
1. M4LMG 46 61 63 64
2. UL736 40 58 62 70
3. RPD 41 61 66 52
4. S36 40 45 75 50
5. Chopper 40 43 75 46

Note: The attributes of the Light Machine Guns listed above, such as damage and accuracy, are the default ones without any attachments. You can always tweak your LMG with attachments to improve these abilities even further.

How To Select The Best Light Machine Gun (LMG)?

Light Machine Guns (LMG) in COD mobile are characterized by their large magazine size. So, these guns can hold from 60 to 100 bullets at once, dealing significant damage with a spray of bullets without having to reload frequently. But there is a tradeoff in doing so. The large mag increases the weight of the gun, and hence its mobility. Also, LMGs have less accuracy, so they are useful only in close combat.

So, the idea here to select the best Light Machine Gun in Call Of Duty Mobile is by choosing a gun with a balanced mag size, mobility, and accuracy. Because as far as damage is concerned, most of the LMG in COD Mobile Season 10 have a similar damage rate, except for M4LMG. But we shall discuss this in the next section.

3 Best LMG In COD Mobile

1. M4LMG

m4lmg _ Best Light Machine Guns In Call Of Duty Mobile
M4LMG in Call of Duty Mobile

As I already mentioned above, M4LMG is the only LMG with a higher damage rate (46) in default settings. It also has a pretty balanced accuracy, fire rate, and range of 61, 63, and 64, respectively. These scores are neither the highest nor the lowest in this category, making M4LMG the best Light Machine Gun in Call Of Duty Mobile.

While testing the M4LMG in battle royale mode, it delivered damage of 50 when aimed at the head. On the other hand, a burst of shot aimed at the body easily did damage between 30-50HP, depending on the hit/miss ratio. Talking about downsides, M4LMG has a powerful vertical recoil, but that can be reduced with the help of the right attachments.

However, the most significant caveat is that you won’t find M4LMG just lying around anywhere on the map. So your best option is to keep a customized M4LMG in your arsenal that can be obtained from airdrops. On the other hand, if you plan to use M4LMG in multiplayer mode, I highly suggest that you use attachments and ‘lightweight’ perk to increase mobility, or else you’d be moving like a slug, becoming an easy prey.

2. UL736

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UL736 in COD Mobile

The second best Light Machine Gun in Call Of Duty Mobile is UL736, but one might argue why, as RPD has better stats on paper. In my experience, despite having a slightly lower damage rate than RPD, UL736 emerges as a more balanced weapon that is useful in a battle. For starters, it has much less recoil compared to RPD and even M4LMG.

Shooting with UL736 is like using AK-47 with a huge magazine and less recoil. But the tradeoff here for more stability is lesser mobility. However, it fares better than M4LMG in mobility, which players can further enhance with attachments and lightweight perk (in multiplayer mode).

As far as the damage rate is concerned, a short burst from UL736 can efficiently give damage of 50HP if you aim it right on the head, and 40HP if it’s a body shot without a vest.

3. RPD

RPD_Best Light Machine Guns In Call Of Duty Mobile
RPD LMG in Call of Duty Mobile

Moving on to the third-best Light Machine Gun in Call Of Duty Mobile Season 10, we have RPD. In the previous section, I mentioned why UL736 is better than RPD despite having higher numbers. That being said, let’s focus on what RPD has to offer if you choose to charge ahead with this gun.

First of all, RPD is one of the commonly found LMGs in the COD Mobile map. It offers a high damage rate of 41 and the same accuracy of 61 as M4LMG. It surpasses the previous two weapons in terms of fire rate. So, if overwhelming your opponents with a barrage of bullets is what you want, then RPD is well suited for you.

However, all these advantages come with a high tradeoff in mobility. RPD has a pretty low mobility of 52 in comparison to the first two weapons. That’s precisely the reason why I placed it lower on the list of best LMG in COD mobile. So if you are playing with RPD, make sure you have a strategy to overcome the lag in speed, or it won’t be long before you get killed.

Best Light Machine Guns In COD Mobile: Wrapping Up

This brings us to the end of this article. I hope the best Light Machine Guns In Call of Duty Mobile mentioned here will help you select your weapon of choice in the game. Also, please bear in mind that these rankings are just an indicator of what might increase your chances of winning. They don’t guarantee your win altogether as other factors also influence the gameplay. Also, do tell us which is the best LMG in COD Mobile Season 10, according to you, in the comment box below!

The post Best Light Machine Guns (LMG) In Call Of Duty Mobile Season 10 appeared first on Fossbytes.

Best Light Machine Guns (LMG) In Call Of Duty Mobile Season 10
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